Previously known as Forums, the Group Discussion area of the Community is where you'll find all the latest conversations happening with your fellow Community members!
Once you log in to the Community platform, navigate to Group Discussion located on the side menu:
From there, you'll be directed to the Community Dashboard, where the most recent conversations are taking place. Scroll through the different Discussions, jump into a group that interests you, and add to the conversation.
Right below the comment box, you can now easily attach a photo, a document, or share a fun GIF with alongside your post.
❗️Please note: On the main Community page, you'll notice that you are able to post a Status Update.
Status Updates are for posts that don't fit into a particular category and that you don't mind not being readily accessible down the road. They only way they can be revisited, is if they are searched for using the Search Feed box or by scrolling through the main page until they are located.
You can easily use the Status Update field to post to a Group Discussion, so you don't have to leave the main page!
Here's a video on how to do that.