We’re sorry you’re having trouble logging in, but we’re here to help! Follow these steps to get back into your account.
➡️ If You Forgot Your Password or Haven’t Set One Up Yet
- Go to https://community.biddytarot.com/wp-login.php
- Click "Forgot Password?" under the Password box
- Enter the email address you used when you signed up or made a purchase, then click "Request Reset Link."
- Check your email for a message with the subject line: "[Biddy Tarot Community] Password Reset." This email will have a link to reset your password.
- Click the link and follow the steps to create a new password. After that, you’ll be able to log in!
❗Helpful Tip: If you don’t see the email in your inbox, check your spam or junk folder. Sometimes it gets sent there by mistake.
➡️ If You Know Your Password but Still Can’t Log In
Try these quick fixes:
- Clear any text already in the username or password fields.
- Turn off Caps Lock.
- Manually retype your username and password (don’t copy and paste).
- Remember, the password is case-sensitive.
- Check for extra spaces before or after your username or password.
➡️ If You Use the Programs Hub to Access Your Purchases
We've moved!
Previously, all digital purchases were delivered on "The Programs Hub". In 2024, we combined this site with The Biddy Tarot Community, and all of your purchases can be found here. If you don’t yet have a login to use on The Biddy Tarot Community, or are having trouble logging in with your existing username and password, don’t worry! Just contact us here, and we’ll help you get signed in quickly.
Still Not Working?
If the steps above don’t help, try these:
- Quit and reopen your web browser.
- On Windows: Go to File > Quit/Close.
- On Mac: Go to Safari > Quit Safari.
- Switch to a different browser (like Mozilla Firefox if you’ve been using Chrome).
- Clear your browser’s cache and cookies.
- Restart your computer or device.
- Try logging in again.
Need More Help?
If you still can’t log in, contact our team HERE. Include these details in your message:
- A screenshot of the error message(s).
- The web browser(s) you tried (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari).
- The type of device and operating system you used (e.g., Windows 10 PC, iPhone with iOS 17).
We’ll help you as soon as possible!