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1. Open the PDF from the Link
The link you received will open the PDF in your browser. Once the PDF is visible, you’ll be ready to download it to your device.
2. Download the PDF from Your Browser
For Desktop Computers:
- Once the PDF is open in your browser, look for the download icon (typically located in the top-right corner of the screen).
- Alternatively, right-click anywhere on the document and select "Save As" to save the file to your computer.
- Check your Downloads folder to locate the saved file.
For Mobile Devices:
- When the PDF opens in your browser, look for the download or share icon (usually at the top or bottom of your screen).
- If you don’t see these options, press and hold the PDF until a menu appears. Then select "Download Link" or "Save File" (options may vary depending on your device).
- Locate the file in your Downloads folder or your preferred file management app.
3. Ensure Your PDF Viewer Is Up to Date
Make sure you have a PDF viewer installed on your device and that it’s up to date. If you don’t have one, we recommend downloading Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is free and compatible with most devices.
4. Try a Different Browser
If you’re having trouble downloading the PDF, switch to another browser, such as Google Chrome or Firefox. Some browser settings may impact the ability to download files.
Need More Help?
We hope these steps make it easy for you to download and enjoy your free PDF. If you’re still unable to access the file, don’t hesitate to contact us. Let us know the browser you’re using and any steps you’ve already taken, and we’ll troubleshoot the issue with you.